
Nowadays magic is simply a myth, but when it involves religion, every religion has there own belief regarding magic. But the foremost misunderstood religion is voodoo. voodoo is an African religion that developed in Haiti. This religion is mainly known for black magic. people who follow voodoo are referred to as voodooists. They're famous for the worship of souls and doing rituals using dolls. they're also called 'servants of sprit'.

voodoo could be a religion that is comparable to Christianity in some cases. This religion believes single supreme god, the god who is that the source of power and maintains the universe. This religion teaches the existence of loa, these loa show as intermediaries between God and humanity. The loa acts a very important role in voodoo. These loa aren't prayed by voodooist, they're served by their likes and dislikes. There are 1000 loa in voodoo. The loa help humans and advise on solving problems . voodooist believe that the loa get easily angry if anyone offers food or things they dislike. Angered loa remove their protection from devotees and sometimes punish them. Every loa has there own likes and dislikes, and that they are served by there like things during rituals. Like rada loa maybe a water spirit who are served by water. The rituals are done by a priest called Houngan and a priestess called Mambo.



voodooist respect their religion very. They organize their ceremony repeatedly. Their ceremony begins with a roman catholic prayer. the voodooist plays drums and sings their cultural songs, make the symbols of loa by using dust. In a voodoo ceremony, believers gathered to create contact with loa or spirits. During the ceremony, the Mambo(priestess) or Houngan(priest) scarifies the animal to the loa, and therefore the participants then ask spirits for advice and help. More than half the requests are health-related and look after their beloved. It's believed that spirits sometimes communicate with them with the help of a priest or priestess and provides them advice, also help them. voodooists believe that killing animals aren't necessary, it's only the transfer of energy back to loa. In keeping with them, spirits don't seem to be good or bad, they're neutral but they respond step with a way of treatment. This religion believes in solving problems and connect humans with god with the help of spirits or loa. They believe honor the spirits. In their ceremony all the humans are equal and their gods are supreme.

Voodoo - a way of life.

Voodoo may be a community religion rooted in healing and doing good to others. Many movies and web series relate voodoo with bad rituals black like magic with dolls, but they're not true. In voodoo, the spirits are as real as your wife and kids. like several other religions, this religion teaches humans various things. Voodooists respect their ancestors and their community. Everything has bad and good sides, a number of the rituals in the voodoo community aren't so good, but it doesn't mean that we misunderstood this religion. 'VOODOO IS MORE THAN A FAITH OR BELIEF, IT'S THE WAY OF LIFE.'