Nihilism is a philosophical term that rejects all beliefs and ideas of life and existence. The word" NIHILISM" comes from the Latin root word "nihil" means nothing. Believing nothing matters and everything is meaningless is nihilism. The person who follows nihilism is called a nihilist. This term was popularized by the Germán philosopher Fredrich Nietzsche. Before him, there was a Greek sophist GORGIAS who said "nothing exists". He has been called" Gorgias the nihilist". Everyone has their beliefs and ideas on this subject but this subject does not follow any idea or belief. To be a nihilist is to free oneself from social prospects and embrace the idea of nothing matters and life is pointless, society is meaningless. Now the biggest question arises if there's no meaning in life also why does a nihilist live? I'm not a nihilist neither I met a nihilist before, I can say that it does not suggest you end your life. Living is delightful and fascinating even though it's pointless. now back to our famous philosopher Nietzsche, according to him, he has both for and against nihilism. He told that nihilism is the conviction that there's no meaning to life, that the world is negative to our highest hopes and values, and that there are no gods or advanced purposes to justify our suffering. To be a nihilist is to flirt with despair and the sentiment that life isn't worth living, and therefore, the nihilist position is antithetical to life. The conception of nihilism was popularized by a philosopher like Frederich Nietzsche and a Russian writer like Ivan Turgenev, but the concept of this term was also talked over in Indian history and by buddha.

Now, some newspaper papers say" nihilism is getting more popular for this generation." I do not suppose so, I do not listen to any person go around saying life is pointless, god is dead, or society is a lie. People currently talk about nihilism without truly knowing them. Nihilism has both good and bad impacts on Generation Z, it just depends on how our generation takes it. Now, according to me, nihilism is comforting. plants and animals do not need a reason to live or exist. Numerous writers and philosophers wrote on this subject but at the end who cares we're all gonna die and do not gonna owe this world. You will become a doctor, scientist, engineer or whatever you want but you will never find the meaning of life and the reason for your existence. Except for humans, no one cares about society, life, the universe or meaning. We humans got brains. So I think nihilism is not a philosophy for humans it's just a statement. For humans, it's not possible to live like nothing. So there's nothing to talk about nihilism because it has nothing to do with humans, which paradoxically makes it something.