The Inferno :

Inferno is the first part of the epic poem, DIVINE COMEDY. It is written by Dante Alighieri, where he shows his journey through hell. 

The divine comedy is divided into three parts :

  • Inferno 
  • Purgatorio 
  • Paradiso  

 As we all know that " THE PATH TO PARADISE BEGINS IN HELL." So Dante started his journey from hell. His journey was guided by the ancient Roman poet Virgil. In an inferno, hell is described as nine concentric circles. 


The poem begins on the night of Maundy Thursday on March 24 April.

Dante (poet) found himself lost in dark woods. He set outs to climb directly up a small mountain, but his way is blocked by three beasts leopard, lion, and the she-wolf. Here these three beasts symbolize three kinds of sins.

  1. Leopard symbolizes LUST.
  2. Lion symbolize PRIDE and VOLIANCE.
  3. Her wolf symbolizes GREEDINESS. 

Dante rescued himself and met a Roman poet Virgil. Virgil explained that he was sent by Beatrice ( Divine love or Dante love in the poem). 

From here Dante and Virgil started their journey to the UNDERWORLD (Hell).


Dante reached the gate of hell. On the gate of hell, there was written the famous phrase ("Lasciate ogne Speranza, voi ch'intrate"), which means "ABANDON ALL HOPE, YE WHO ENTER HERE."


The poet entered the gate and the sights of souls and sounds of hell at once scared Dante. Dante asks Virgil where these souls came from. Virgil replied that these souls are of people who took no sides, who lived for themselves. 

They are not rebellious against god nor faithful to Satan. 

They are neither in hell nor out.

Dante wanted to know more about these souls but Virgil takes him along to the beach of ACHERON. Here on the ferry, Charon tells Dante to leave because he was still living and does not belong there. 

Virgil forces Charon to take him by saying "Vuolsi così colà dove si puote / ciò che si vuole" which means "this is willed where what is willed can be done, so ask no more". Charon agreed and Dante faints and does not awaken until they reach the other side. Now from there, Virgil proceeds to guide Dante through the NINE CIRCLE OF HELL. 

IN the second part of THE INFERNO, I will tell about the nine circles of hell.